Rare Earths prices then and now

Historical Rare Earth Prices

An interesting comparison of rare earth oxide prices, the tradable form of rare earths, between 10 years ago, *before* the "Rare Earth Shock", and now.

For those in-the-know it is easy to see from the numbers, that in order to maintain the supply-demand balance of those products needed for growing permanent magnets consumption (neodymium, praseodymium, dysprosium, terbium) most other elements are over-produced and their prices are under constant pressure.

Even if only a fraction of permanent magnet consumption forecasts comes true (electric vehicles), this imbalance is going to increase. Unsustainable.

Recycling permanent magnets yields neodymium, praseodymium, dysprosium and terbium (and unrelated magnetite).

Therefore, recycling can alleviate the pressure on other rare earths and thereby help to finally turn rare earths into a mature, sustainable market.

That is, why we support
Geomega Resources Inc. (GMA.V), the only stock-listed rare earths company out there with a pure recycling concept.

Rare earths mining projects are glorious and wonderful, but they will not help solve the rare-earths inherent problems of perpetually unbalanced output.

"Go big or go home" is not a valid concept in rare earths, no matter if in China or elsewhere.

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